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Verdavaine, Georges (text) and Louis Berden (ills.) Pictures of ruined Belgium / Visions de la Belgique détruite. London / New York, John Lane , 1917
€ 75.00
Bound, cloth with original dustjacket (protected with removable cellophane) / relié, toile sous jaquette originale (avec protection cellophane amovable), xxiv+245pp., 20x26cm., 72 ills. in b/w. hors texte, in very good condition. (dustjacket with traces of use) / en très bon état. (jaquette avec usure).
Itemnummer 8566
Seventy-two pen and ink sketches drawn on the spot by Louis Berden. The french text by Georges Verdavaine, founded on the official reports, the translation by J. Lewis May.

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