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Broadhurst, John. Terriermen & and Terriers [signed] No place, by the author, 2007. Second edition.
€ 195.00
Bound, hardcover, viii+317pp., 22.5x29cm., richly illustr. in col. and b/w., in very good condition (binding with very light traces of use). With a handwritten dedication by the author "Good hunting. John Broadhurst.". ISBN: 9780968729618.
Itemnummer 16819
From the author: "I have attempted with this book to give insight into the different kinds of terriermen who work various terriers. What suits one man may not suit another: some like a big terrier, some like a small terrier, some like a hard terrier and some like a terrier that just bays." The book is chock full of color and sepia tone photographs relating to terriers, their owners and their use of the famous dogs.

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