Daxelmüller, Christoph.
Froh, dass der Scheisskrieg vorbei war! Alltag in Würzburg nach 1945.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2009
€ 9.50
Softcover, 250pp., 15,5x23cm., richly illustr. in b/w., in very good condition (covers with some traces of use). ISBN: 9783826041600.
"Glad That the Damn War Was Over!" is a powerful and personal account of life during and after World War II, capturing the voices and experiences of ordinary people. Through interviews, letters, and diaries, the book paints a vivid picture of the hardships, fears, and hopes that defined this turbulent period. With a focus on the everyday lives of those who lived through the war, it offers a unique perspective on history that is both deeply human and profoundly moving.