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Farmer, Gene / Hamblin, Dora Jane. First on the moon. A voyage with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin E. Aldrin jr.. Boston / Toronto, Little Brown and Company, 1970. 1st edition.
€ 10.00
Bound, cloth with original dustjacket, 434pp., 16x24cm., illustr. in b/w., dustjacket in poor condition (with traces of use, somewhat damaged and yellowed), binding in fair condition (with some traces of use, paper edges and pages a bit yellowed). ISBN: 0760755108.
Itemnummer 16133
First on the Moon takes the reader on a voyage with the three astronauts who first set foot on the lunar surface. Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin give us the exclusive story of Apollo 11: from the earliest preparations to the final touchdown back on Planet Earth. Theirs is the inspiring tale of a truly heroic adventure. Photographs accompany the text.

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