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Natascha Kubisch and Pia Anna Seger. Patterns for interior decoration based on (Muster für die Innendekoration aus / Motifs pour décorer son intérieur de): The practical decorator by George Ashdown Audsley and Maurice Ashdown Audsley. Köln, Konemann, 2001.
€ 15.00
Bound, cloth with original dustjacket, 300pp., 28x32cm., richly illustr. in col., in very good condition. Trilingual edition: English, German, French. ISBN: 9783895082283.
Itemnummer 12729
Since the early 1990s there has been a great revival in the popularity of interior decoration using historical ornamental forms. The Practical Decorator and Ornamentist, published in 1892 by George A. and Maurice A. Audsley, and here republished in a newly-prepared edition, was in its day one of the best-known collections of ornamental designs. In contrast to previous new editions of the Audsleys' pattern-books, the present volume does not confine itself to reproducing their designs, but also provides a commentary based on the Audsleys' own explanatory text.

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